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Healthcare Professionals Issues Warning: Fossil Fuels Are a Major Threat to Global Health


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November 02, 2023

  • Healthcare professionals worldwide urge governments to accelerate the phase-out of fossil fuels to protect global health.
  • They have further warned that countries must stop using fossil fuels or risk harming people both physically and mentally, through natural disasters and otherwise.

Global healthcare professionals have issued a warning to all world leaders to immediately abandon the use of fossil fuels. They assert that such a move would enhance global health. In a letter directed to the UAE, the host of the forthcoming climate talks, and world leaders, these healthcare experts emphasize the growing occurrence and severity of extreme weather events induced by climate change.

Numerous events, such as extreme heat, unprecedented storms, floods, food and water insecurity, wildfires, and displacements, pose significant health risks to people worldwide. During the annual UN climate talks, for the first time, a dedicated day has been scheduled to address the impact of climate change on public health. Furthermore, this event will feature a special meeting where ministers deliberate on the actions health systems should take in response to climate change, accompanied by financial commitments to facilitate these initiatives.

Letter Ahead of Climate Change Talks

In a letter addressed to Sultan Al Jabar, the president of the forthcoming UN climate talks, healthcare professionals underscored the importance of the “Paris Agreement.” This international accord recognizes the “right to health” as a crucial topic in the climate discussions. Furthermore, they pointed out the concerning fact that climate change is progressively deteriorating public health.

“For COP28 to truly become a “health COP,” it must address the root cause of the climate crisis, which is the continued extraction and usage of fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and gas. We call on COP28’s presidency and leaders worldwide to commit to an expedited, just, and equitable phase-out of fossil fuels as the definitive path to health for all,” they said.

The letter had signatories from several well-known organizations. These organizations included the International Pediatric Association, Médecins Sans Frontières, the World Federation for Public Health Associations, The World Medical Association, the Public Health Association of South Africa, and The Public Health Foundation of India.

Healthcare professionals emphasize the significance of adhering to the 1.5 degrees Celsius temperature increase target outlined in the Paris Agreement, both for global health and the economy. Furthermore, they assert that achieving this goal necessitates the abandonment of fossil fuels. Additionally, they caution that failing to take such actions could result in significant health-related consequences.

Health experts are advocating for the exclusion of fossil fuel companies from climate talks. This move is prompted by their track record of hindering progress, reminiscent of how the tobacco industry was also excluded from tobacco control discussions. The primary goal is to safeguard climate cooperation from industry influence, such as lobbying and the spread of false information that could potentially slow down progress.


Healthcare experts worldwide are urging world leaders for a global shift away from fossil fuels. They highlight the need to replace these harmful energy sources due to their negative impact on public health and the environment. This message is a warning to all as we could be heading for a global warming crisis if we don’t abandon fossil fuels.

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