The Five Most Influential Female Voices, 2025

Cover Story

Kloe Korby

Kloe Korby: Redefining Senior Care with Tech and Tenacity

Kloe Korby, founder of the United Senior Association (USA), lives by these words. They guide her mission to improve senior care in America. Kloe grew up in a family known for resilience and innovation.


Sarah Greenway

Sarah Greenway: Redefining Resilience in Health and Social Care

Key points: Imagine a nurse finishing a demanding 12-hour shift, feeling physically exhausted and emotionally drained—expected to care for others ...
Dr. Supriya Rao

Dr. Supriya Rao: Blending Wellness and Technology to Heal a Changing World

“When the mind is calm, the possibilities are endless.” This idea drives Dr. Supriya Rao, the Founder and CEO of ...

Dr. Leen Kawas: Leading with Vision in Biopharma Innovation

Dr. Leen Kawas knows what it takes to disrupt an industry and she has done it with biotech in ways ...
Diana Richardson

Diana Richardson: Pioneering Female Leadership in Beauty Business Education

Business thrives on innovation, but it sustains itself on leadership. Diana Richardson, founder and host of Glowgetter Beauty Entrepreneurs, exemplifies ...
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